Resultados de la búsqueda de: la Peyronie

Madrid capital mundial de la cirugía reconstructiva urológica

Más de 400 urólogos y 70 ponentes de todo el mundo reunidos en Madrid. La capital mundial de la cirugía reconstructiva urológica. Madrid.- Estoy orgulloso del trabajo realizado como director de la organización de este evento que se ha celebrado en la capital de España entre el 5 y hasta el 8 de Octubre. Bajo

High-level surgery in Korea: Part I

The program will include the implantation of penile prosthesis to treat several conditions. From the 8th to the 18th of January, I will be heading and organizing several activities in collaboration with Coloplast in some of the reference hospitals in Seoul and other important cities of South Korea. The program will include the implantation of

High-level surgery in Seoul: Part II

We keep working hard in other parts of the world. We are currently working in Seoul. In this city, we are sharing new chirurgical challenges withsurgeons from many countries to treat several pathologies so Peyronie: Peyronie’s disease, penile prostheses, masculine incontinence, vasectomy, prostatic surgery and urethral stricture. The jet-lag has been affecting me for a

Semana de formación y adiestramiento práctico quirúrico.

Intensa semana de formación y adiestramiento práctico quirúrgico en el Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. El Servicio de Urología del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre en colaboración con la Asociación Española de Urología y la Asociación Europea de Urología nos recibe en sus quirófanos para llevar a cabo, dentro de sus ciclos de formación y

XIAPEX keeps gaining followers

XIAPEX or XIAFLEX, the injection for curved penis condition, keeps gaining followers As we have said in many occasions, the curvature of the penis (Peyronie’s disease) consists on the fibrosis of one of the penis’ layers (penis albuginea). The fibrosis shortens and deviates the penis, causing pain in some patients. Erectile dysfunction or problems of

Cirugía Reconstructiva en Turín. Molinette University Hospital

Cirugía reconstructiva en Turín para seguir el año con plena dedicación profesional Tras las sesiones en Bruselas como parte del Tribunal Urológico de la EAU con la experiencia satisfactoria de haber escuchado a candidatos de muy alto nivel, nos trasladamos a Turín a realizar una intensa sesión de operaciones junto a otros queridos y respetados

19th National Andrology Group Meeting

Last Sunday, February 7th, the 19th Andrology Group Meeting was celebrated. It was one busy day in which near a hundred Urology professionals from all fields developed a pioneer program that dealt with the most common current Urology themes. They also updated scientific evidence on shock wave treatments for erectile dysfunction, new treatments for Peyronie’s

Chirurgical procedures to lengthen the penis in patients with curved penis

Peyronie’s disease consists on the fibrosis of one of the penis’ layers (penis albuginea). In the first phases, the fibrosis shortens the penis, deviating it in later stages. Some patients experience pain when this happens. Medical procedures. It has been clinically proven that in patients suffering from Peyronie’s disease, erectile dysfunction or problems of rigidity

¿Acortar el pene? Para la desviación congénita de pene, seguimos apostando por el no

La desviación congénita de pene difiere de la enfermedad de Peyronie A diferencia de la enfermedad de Peyronie, la desviación congénita del pene es una desviación que se presenta desde el nacimiento. Puede ser dorsal (el pene mira hacia arriba), lateral o ventral (el pene mira hacia abajo), siendo ésta última, la más frecuente. También se

It is not only about injecting Xiapex or Xiaflex collagenase in the penis

 Peyronie’s disease treated with more than a XIAPEX Peyronie’s disease needs to be treated with more than a XIAPEX or XIAFLEX collagenase injection in the penis. The curvature of the penis, scientifically known as Peyronie’s disease, can be treated with different alternatives. It is necessary to evaluate the patient’s characteristics to provide the best option

New challenges in penile prosthesis implants in Zaragoza

It is estimated that nowadays, over 300.000 Spanish citizens may need a penile prosthesis Alongside with my partner and friend Dr. Luis Rodríguez Vela, Head of the Urology and Sexual Medicine Unit in Zaragoza and Urology Professor at Zaragoza’s University, we did a presentation on how to perform a complex double penile prosthesis, caused by

Reconstructive Surgery: European Masterclass

Reconstructive surgery: European Masterclass at University College Hospital Last week we were honoured to participate in a Masterclass and a surgery performance session at the prestigious University College Hospital in London. The event was a part of the institution training cycles, one of the most important worldwide events in the Urology discipline. This year the