
Clinical practice and sense of humour

rectal examination

Clinical practice and sense of humour

The satiric Spanish newspaper, El Mundo Today, published about clinical practice the following headline in one of its articles: “Doctors who perform rectal exams will have to dress up as the patient’s erotic fantasy”.
We encourage sense of humour, virtue necessary in both personal and professional fields.
I would also like to say that in the clinic practice, rectal exams are a serious, essential and non-replaceable technique for prostatic examinations. Complemented with pro-PSA, 4Kscore test and PCA-3, rectal exams help us provide safe, effective diagnoses detecting some irregular area in the prostate (swelling or lump) that could be a indication of cancer.
These techniques, combined with transrectal ultrasounds and magnetic resonances, diminish the number of biopsies and help to detect tumours that need to be treated.
In conclusion and as we said previously:
“We say YES to sense humour, but always keeping utmost rigour performing rectal exams as exploratory tests to detect premature prostatic pathologies, among others.”

Blog del Dr. Romero Otero