
7 reasons to get penis prostheses


Penile prosthesis implantation is a feasible yet uncommon procedure, specially in Europe when compared to the United States. Although a good number of men will withdraw from the treatment with ED drugs -either for inefficacy or the sensation that the drug did not fulfill in normalizing the sexual life- very few of them will consider a penile prosthesis implantation.

How´s so?

Here are seven significant reasons to get penis prostheses

This post aims to sum up and schematize some of the reasons why patients should have a positive viewon penis prostheses and opt by this option.
In any case, an expert will need to evaluate whether this procedure is appropriate for the patient.
Here are seven significant reasons to get penis prostheses:

  • Are a permanent, long-lasting solution for erectile dysfunction
  • The Men allow to have an erection at will
  • They add spontaneity to sexual relations: you will enjoy your sexual life whenever you want
  • They allow you to prolong the erection for as long as you need and wish
  • There is no need for expensive drugs or injections
  • They give a natural feeling for you and your partner
  • They have no effects on ejaculations or orgasms

Few men unable to attain an erection with drugs will choose to undergo surgery. Nevertheless, the satisfaction rates after the procedure exceed 90% -both the man and his partner-. That should make us normalize the use of penile prosthesis and be more positive when explaining this option to gentlemen who seek a long lasting treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Blog del Dr. Romero Otero