Press and Media

If you are 45 years old, you should have your prostate checked to prevent ‘silent cancer’

Dr. Javier Romero-Otero

In 2022, 30,884 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in Spain. Of these, more than 6,100 died from the disease.

With age, the prostate undergoes different changes that may or may not be associated with health problems in men. It is a gland that can become malignant over the years, leading to the appearance of prostate cancer, the second most common tumor in men. Hence the importance of prostate check-ups, whether or not there are symptoms, from the age of 45, since, as with any other cancer, prevention and early detection are fundamental.

The newspaper El EspaƱol focuses on disseminating the importance of early detection for the early detection of this disease.