About me

Dr. Romero-Otero
Director of the Urology Department of HM Hospitales in Madrid and Medical Director of ROC Clinic.
Dr. Romero-Otero has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University since 2000. In this same University he developed his doctoral thesis work with an outstanding cum laude qualification.
Subsequently, he completed his residency in Urology at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre and made stays in international reference centers. After finishing his residency, he completed his training working as a Fellow in Uro-oncology in 2006 and 2007 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (NYC).
Dr. Romero-Otero develops an intense professional work in the areas of care, research and teaching.

- Director of the Department of Urology of HM Hospitals in Madrid and medical director of the ROC Clinic Group.
- High super-specialization in Uro-Oncology, Prostate Pathology, Andrology and Reconstructive Surgery of the Genital Area.

- Director of the Master in Andrology and Reconstructive Surgery of the Male Genital Area of the University of Salamanca.
- Professor and teaching coordinator of the University CEU San Pablo.
- Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Professor at several University Masters of urological training.

- He has more than 40 chapters in books.
- More than 150 research papers published in indexed pubmed journals.
- Member of the editorial board of several journals in the specialty.
- More than 200 research papers in scientific congresses in his field.
- Holds positions of responsibility in the scientific associations of his specialty.
- Academic background
- Professional experience in health care
- Academic, teaching, and research experience
- Scholarships and awards
- Positions in scientific associations
Degree in Medicine: Complutense University of Madrid.
Speciality: Residency in Urology, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Medical observership at the Weill Cornel Medical Centre and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, Columbia University, NYC (USA).
Medical observership at the Memorial Jackson Hospital, Miami (USA).
Uro-Oncology Fellowship at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, NYC (USA).
PhD Thesis awarded with a Magna Cum Laude distinction: “Psychological, mental, cognitive, sexual and metabolic modifications following testosterone suppression with LHRH in patients with prostate cancer”. Complutense University of Madrid.
FEBU: Fellow of the European Board of Urology.
FECSM: Fellow of the European Committee for Sexual Medicine.
Master’s degree in Healthcare Management, EMDOS I (Executive Master in Healthcare Organisation Management) at ESADE
Master’s degree in Healthcare Management, EMDOS II at ESADE
Medicine and Health Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid
Speciality in Urology at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Uro-oncology Fellowship at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NYC (USA).
Head of the Andrology Unit at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Head of the Andrology and Reconstructive Surgery Unit at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Head of Urology Service at the University Hospital HM Montepríncipe
Head of Urology Service at the University Hospital HM Puerta del Sur
Head of the Department of Urology Service at HM Hospitales
Director of Urología Tratamiento
Founder ROC Clinic
Head of the accredited research group for R+D+I in Comprehensive Male Health in the Community of Madrid.
Principal and Sub-Investigator in more than 35 international clinical trials (phase 2, 3, and 4). Prostate and Andrology.
The extensive research activity of our group resulted in the following achievements:
- 70 scientific articles in indexed PubMed journals.
- 160 presentations in National Congresses
- 100 presentations in International Congresses
- 25 chapters in books about Urology.
Developed research projects funded by highly prestigious scholarships: FIS (Health Research Fund) scholarship from the Carlos III Health Institute, ESSM grant.
Collaborating Professor: Department of Surgery and Urology of the Complutense University of Madrid
Professor of the Master’s degree “Infertile Couple” at the Complutense University of Madrid
Head and Faculty Coordinator in the Urology programme at CEU San Pablo University
Professor of the Master’s degree in Urethral surgery expert course. International University of Andalucía.
Director of training courses:
- Update on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (4 editions held)
- International Madrid Men’s Health Meeting (4 editions held)
In addition, we continuously teach postdoctoral courses in various training programmes:
- Training programme in reconstructive surgery of the genital area by the Spanish Association of Urology.
- Coloplast training programme in penile prosthesis and urinary incontinence.
- Training Programme in Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate.
- Training Programme in Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate by Boston Scientific.
A number of moderations and lectures in national and international courses. Regular lecturer at courses on Prostate Pathology, Andrology, and Reconstructive Surgery of the genital area.
Director of several PhD theses within the speciality.
- Awarded with the 1st Joaquín Albarrán prize for the best Communication at the 72nd AEU Congress.
- Awarded with the 3rd Joaquín Albarrán prize for the best Communication at the 71st AEU Congress.
- Awarded with the Emil Tanago Prize for the best work of Basic Research at the 2018 World Meeting on Sexual Medicine in Lisbon
- Top Cited Article Award of the 2017 International Journal of Urology.
- Several research grants awarded by the Carlos III Health Institute (Principal investigator in FIS 2017-2019 grant), ESSM, AEU, and SUM.
Member of the Men’s Health Academic Urological Working Group: European Association of Urology.
Treasurer at the Sociedad Urológica Madrileña (Urological Society of Madrid)
Member of the Editorial Committee of the Actas Urológicas Españolas journal (Spanish Urological Records)
Associated member Reconstructive Surgery Group European Urological Asscoiation
National Coordinator of the Andrology Group of the EUA
Member of the Editorial Committee of the International Journal of Andrology
Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Society of Sexual Medicine
Associated member of the Andrology Group of the EUA
Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo en la European Society for Sexual Medecine – ESSM
Editorial Board Member of the VJPU of the International Society for Sexual Medecine – ISSM
Reviewer of the most important scientific journals in the speciality: European Urology, Journal of Sexual Medicine, Journal of Urology, Urology, Actas Urológicas Españolas (Spanish Urological Records), Archivos Españoles de Urología (Spanish Archives of Urology), and the British Journal of Urology.
Member of the following Scientific Associations: the European Association of Urology, the European Society for Sexual Medicine, the Spanish Association of Urology, the Sociedad Urológica Madrileña (Urological Society of Madrid), and the Asociación Española de Medicina Sexual (Spanish Association of Sexual Medicine).